Actor Asin had a dream debut in Bollywood with AR Murugadoss's remake of a Tamil superhit film, Ghajini, where she was paired opposite Aamir Khan. It went on to become one of the highest grossing films of the year. Just when she had become hot property, Asin followed it up with another big banner film, London Dreams opposite Salman Khan. Her next release is also again with Salman.
The latest Khan, apparently, to co-star with her now is actor Shah Rukh Khan in a yet-to-be announced Chetan Bhagat's adaptation of his novel, Two States. While a lot of actresses spend years in this industry trying to get films opposite the three Khans, Asin seems to have done it within three years of her debut.
Though Asin is yet to make a mark for her acting abilities, she's still one of the names to reckon with today. Explaining why Asin is the preferred choice over other young actresses around today, Amod Mehra, trade analyst says, "Her biggest plus point is the fact that she looks Indian. The innocence clubbed with Indian looks is the perfect ingredient for a Hindi film actress. Besides, she's also one of the top names in the South which gives her a certain credibility. Katrina Kaif is a top heroine today, but she never looked Indian."
Harish Bijoor, brand specialist says Asin's bubbly image is what works best for her. "Most brand personifications of actors are not just about their roles. Asin has done young, bubbly, vivacious roles till date and so her ads too see her play similar characters. Her vibrant, irreverent image helps her. She is much more than just a beautiful face, and it also helps to be an established star in the South."