Starring Salman Khan and Asin in lead roles, Ready directed by Anees Bazmee is ready to be released on May 27, this year. This upcoming Bollywood comedy has all the masala to make the audience happy. However, it is a remake of the 2008 Telegu film bearing the same title that was directed by Sreenu Vaitala, the lead roles being played by Ram and Genelia. Since the Tamil film reportedly had enjoyed very good box office, Salman was confident that this Bollywood version would enjoy similar success, although the production had its own share of misfortunes. To begin with, Salman’s decision for changing the location of the film from Mauritius to Sri. Lanka was not welcomed by the South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce (SIFCC). “Bollywood directors can not direct remake movies from Tamil and Telegu”, they chorused. Some of them even went one step forward by declaring, “The original directors from the South should do it”, while most of them argued that “Music directors also should be from South, as the background music should be different for mass movies”. Needless to say, good old Salman never paid much attention to such namby-pamby and continued with the filming, though the shooting was eventually completed in Mumbai.
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